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Resident academics Prof. Carl J. Debono and Dr Joshua Ellul hosted a first review meeting of the NATIFLife (A Network of Assistive Technology for an Independent and Functional Life) project funded by the Interreg Italia-Malta European Regional Development Fund on 24–25 October 2018 at the Faculty of ICT within the University of Malta. During the first day the various partners reported on work already finalised, work in progress and discussed activities to follow. The second day was dedicated to a site visit at Sir Paul Boffa Hospital which is earmarked as a pilot demo site in Malta.
This project aims at strengthening two research centres and develop research in the area of assistive technology. An integrated platform incorporating current technologies and novel ones developed during this project will be implemented and installed in two pilot demo sites, one in Malta and the other in Catania. Through the demo sites, feedback from elderly, persons with partial impairments, and carers will be obtained on the suitability and acceptability of current technologies and novel technologies developed during this project in assisting them. The project is led by the University of Catania and has partners Comune di Catania, Viteco, Salupo, C.T.A. Helios, the University of Malta, and Paragon Europe.